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Government Science College

by saif71

At a glance

Name:Government Science College
Location:34/B Tejturi Bazar, Dhaka (near Farmgate)
Enrollment of students:One thousand &two hundred each academic year
Uniform:Sky-blue shirt, Off-white trouser, Black oxford shoe &college ID card.
Academic course:Intermediate &Degree (Pass); science group only
Academic building:Two; one new 10 storied academic building (proposed by the MOE)
Administrative room:3
Library:One with 14370 books (till date)
Gymnasium: One
Dormitory for students:Two; accommodates 150 students each
Playground:One (measuring one acre)
Total land area:Nine acres (approx.)

Government Science College, Dhaka, also known as GSC, is a public higher secondary school as well as a degree college affiliated to the National University. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious educational institutions in Dhaka, Bangladesh, established in 1962. It has achieved one of the best results in Dhaka Board since 2010s, with many students getting admitted in BUET, Dhaka University, Dhaka Medical College and other renowned public universities.


The college was founded in 1954 as an Intermediate Technical College under the Directorate of Technical Education. It was the only college in Dhaka city, where students could study science, technology and basic engineering at the higher secondary level. In 1962, it was renamed as Government Science College and came under the Ministry of Education. It started offering degree courses in science subjects from 1972. The college has a rich history of academic excellence, cultural activities and social service.


The college is located in Tejgaon, Dhaka, on a 9-acre campus. It has a spacious academic building with well-equipped laboratories, classrooms, library and auditorium. The college also has a hostel for male students, a mosque, a canteen and a playground. The college has a beautiful garden with various plants and flowers.


The college offers higher secondary education (HSC) in science group with six subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, English and Bangla. The college also offers four-year honours and one-year masters courses in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Zoology under the National University. The college follows the syllabus and curriculum prescribed by the Dhaka Education Board and the National University. The college has a team of qualified and experienced teachers who guide the students to achieve their academic goals.

Co-curricular activities

The college encourages the students to participate in various co-curricular activities to enhance their skills and personality. The college has several clubs and societies, such as Science Club, Debating Club, Cultural Club, Rover Scout Group, Red Crescent Youth Unit and BNCC Platoon. The college also organizes annual sports day, cultural program, science fair, debate competition and quiz contest. The college publishes a yearly magazine called “Bigyan Barta” to showcase the creative works of the students.


The college has produced many eminent personalities who have contributed to the fields of science, education, medicine, engineering, administration and politics. Some of the notable alumni are:


The college can be contacted through the following ways:

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