BCIC College began its journey in 1983 with the slogan “Education for Humanization”. The motto of this institution is to make the student’s worthy citizens and responsible leaders to serve the country and the world society. Besides, academic programs, they do duly emphasize on curricular and co-curricular activities to explore their latent talents. Their efforts are also instructed to ensure their sound state of soul and body.
Today BCIC College stands as one of the noble institutions in the country and has become compatible with academic brilliance. Our School &College is consistently scoring 100% successful results in Education Board. This BCIC College supports testimony to the mission and vision of the need for a new era. It has been a milestone for measuring academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular excellence possessing a positive sense of obligation to society.
BCIC College, Zoo Road, Mirpur, Dhaka
- Phone: 02-9007106 (College),02-9033280 (School),013091082232
Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://bciccollege.edu.bd/