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American International School

by saif71

American International School,Dhaka

School Addres:United Nations Road, Baridhara, Postal address:P.O. Box: 6106, Gulshan, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

Phone: 882-2452, 882-4750, 0171-3396612

Fax: (880-2) 882-3175

Email :[email protected], [email protected].

Short description:

On behalf of the American International School/Dhaka community, I am pleased to welcome you to the 2009-2010 school year. I believe that you will find the contents informative and helpful. AISD has been instrumental to the lives of literally thousands of students and their families in Dhaka for over 30 years.

Step onto the campus at virtually any time, night or day, throughout the year and you will experience the buzz and excitement of a vibrant community center. You will also undoubtedly be struck by the warmth and sincerity of the staff, students and parents. AISD has well earned a reputation internationally as an excellent school with a highly regarded professional staff and wonderful facilities. At the heart of it all, however, is most important element in any good school, our students. Central to everything done at AISD, are the needs of the approximately 700 individual students, who range in age from 3 to 18 and hail from all over the world.

Every AISD professional and support staff member takes very seriously the school’s mission to “provide a program based on American educational principles to students from an international community” in order to “challenge students to achieve their potential, become life-long learners and contribute to a changing global society.” Over the long-term our school admirably aspires to “prepare students to become stewards of a just and sustainable world.” (from the AISD Mission and Vision Statements)

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and the Council for International Schools (CIS) accredit AISD. In addition, the school is authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to offer the IB Diploma, and has candidate status for the IB Primary Years Program. Our rich academic program includes a community service component from elementary through high school, which prepares students to become compassionate, thoughtful and confident individuals, capable of success in school and beyond.

I am filled with optimism as I look ahead at what promises to be an exciting year. As a professional staff, we will be exploring ways to collaborate more effectively to meet the needs of our increasingly more diverse student body. In addition, we will be working with parents to strengthen the home-school partnership that so clearly benefits our children. I hope to meet all of you in person, in the coming year. I invite you to visit and experience for yourself the warmth and vitality of the school.


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